Gifts specified in wills are one of many sources of income for charities including Saint Frances Animal Center. We are so grateful when donors take the time to plan their legacy. This money can have a major impact on the work we do.
There are two main methods of leaving gifts to charity in a will:
- A specific gift.
This could be a specified sum of money or perhaps a specific item such as gift of jewelry, stock or property. If you opt to give a specific cash sum you should remember that rises in inflation will affect the value of this over time and possibly reduce the final impact of the gift.
- The residue of your estate.
After remembering family and friends in your will, you may like to leave some or all of what is left over to charity. This is perhaps the best way to leave a gift to charity as it is not affected directly by inflation so your charity will receive the maximum possible benefit from your generosity.
In most cases, a legacy gift is made upon someone’s death, but not always. Legacy giving can take a number of forms, including recurring donations that begin while the donor is alive and continue after they’re deceased.
Talk with your family and your attorney to set up a legacy for Saint Frances Animal Center.