Welcome to the New Saint Frances Animal Center Website!
125 North Ridge Street Georgetown, SC 29440

Board of Directors

What Our Community Is Saying

I appreciate that ALL of their animals come vetted before they're up for adoption. Vaccines, spay/neuter, even MICROCHIP! They also go through a series of temperament tests.  I've gotten 2 dogs from them and am currently so in love with them I volunteer weekly. 



I went to the event today (free microchipping for cats).  I may have even been the first one there. In an out with 3 cats in less than 30 minutes. Absolutely fantastic people! 



If you’ve ever been to a shelter and have experienced the seeming indifference of the people whose responsibility it is to care and nurture these poor creatures, be ready to be astounded at the caring and concern of the people who work here and the wonderful people who volunteer at St Frances. Thank you, each and every one of you. 


We are fortunate to have the following community members willing to donate their time and talents to the leadership of Saint Frances Animal Center. 

Meet the team charged with ensuring the success of Saint Frances Animal Center.

Lisa H. Hutto – President
Douglas Waldroup – Vice President
Dr. Morgan Lowry – Secretary
Bryson Allison – Treasurer
Kelli Silliman – Director
Peter Stevens – Director
Doug Morehouse – Director
Marguerite Barr – Director
Samuel Elmer – Director
Deborah Hunter – Director
Annie Rauch – Director
Fisher Easterling – Director