Please like us on Facebook and check our page regularly for important pet care information as well as updated information on current and future events.
- Pitty Community Clinic
In an effort to reduce the vast number of unwanted pitbulls and pitbull mixes coming to the shelter, we are holding free spay/neuter clinics for this breed. Each event is supported solely by donations. For each $1,000 donated, we hold one Pitty Community Clinic day which allows us to alter 10 pitbulls in a single day. Click here to donate towards this important program.
We’ve seen tremendous support for this program from owners and donors, so please give today to keep it going. This program yields benefits now and in the future.
- Donate Your Vehicle or Boat
Looking for an easy way to get rid of a car or boat you don’t need or use? You can donate it to Saint Frances Animal Center. Click on the link below to see how simple it is to donate.
You’ll be making a tax deductible donation and helping homeless animals at the same time. It’s a win-win!
Community Outreach
Part of our mission at Saint Frances Animal Center is to raise awareness of animal welfare issues through public education and community outreach. We are available to come to your location for a presentation tailored to your audience on a variety of topics, including animal care and proper interaction with dogs and cats. You are also welcome to come visit us at the shelter.
Outreach Program animals have so much to offer and they enrich our lives in so many ways. We must all listen to what they can teach us and also work to teach others about respecting them. It is important for children and animals to learn about each other so that the respect starts early on. We offer owning animal training and would welcome any opportunity to share this information with your school or youth program.
Our animals enjoy going to visit OR bring your group to SFAC.
If you have a specific topic that you would like us to address please contact us and we will be happy to work with you.
Please contact us at director@sfanimals.org and we will be happy to work with you.